The ridiculous side effects of hair smoothening

The smooth and the flawless hair is a dream of so many people’s most especially in the people who have curly hair and people those who do not have the straight hairs naturally. The people with the wavy hair and curly hair always used to get the treatment called hair smoothening to make their hair straight with the help of the professionals.
The hair smoothening is the salon process and it involves the washing of hair with the use of deep cleansing shampoo. Thereafter the straightening solution is applied to the hair. Later it is blow-dried and ironed at high temperature to make them straight. But it involves the serious of side effects of hair smoothening, some of them are mentioned below;
Chronic hair fall
The hair fall is common thing in this generation and it can be controlled by providing the vitamin-rich supplements but when there is a hair fall due to the smoothening treatment there will be vigorous hair fall than normal. This is due to the excessive usage of chemicals and the heat makes you hair follicles weak and they easily get detached from the hair roots that result in the chronic hair fall. Is smoothing good for hair? Yes, it will sometimes lead you with a tremendous amount of hair fall.
Dizziness, skin rashes and teary eyes
Due to the harsh chemical used during the treatment of hair smoothening, it may cause nausea and dizziness in more common. And after smoothening treatment, you have the teary eyes and the scalp and the hair also get affected by the chemicals involved in the treatment. There will be a question like is hair smoothening safe, if it is done properly and you maintained in the right way it will be safe.
Damage nature of hair
The chemicals in the hair smoothening treatment can damage the natural texture of the texture of hair. It also damages the amino acids and the disulphide bond and by this, the hair growth will be minimized and the hair loss will be increased.
Extreme dryness
The treatment makes your hair over dry and by this, there will be no availability of the required supplements to your hair the follicles get weak and damaged it results in the hair loss. At the same time, the chemicals will get settle down on your scalp for longtime.
Final thoughts
Practically the smoothening of hair requires a lot of commitments, need to maintain the smoothened hair and make it look flawless. Before getting the treatment, ensure the side effects of the treatment on the growth of the hair.